Guided Meditation On-line

On-line series of guided meditations 

Repetition is important to experience the changes meditation brings into your life.  Great to subscribe to this series of on-line meditations, cosy from your own home. 

You can subscribe to a series of in general 8 or10 guided meditation sessions on-line.  This will happen on the ZOOM platform.  When you subscribe, a link will be sent to your mail address, from which you can easily log in at the time of the meditation. 

This meditation is once per week in the evening.  The meditation itself takes about 40 minutes. Afterwards there might be a short debrief, so please take into account a total time of 1 hour. 

You can join in ANY TIME, even if the starting date of a series has been past.  You will receive an invitation link to join in, as from the next session.

Attention!  You will find series of meditations in French, English and Dutch.  Please subscribe to the one you prefer.

Guided meditation sessions on-line have a proven stronger effect than  meditation sessions followed on pre-registered video or audio.  This is because meditation is much about ‘being present in the moment’. Despite the fact we are in different physical places, we will feel a strong connection, being joined together in the moment.

Upcoming series of Guided Meditations On-Line

'The dates indicated on the picture are the starting dates of a series of 10 weekly meditations.  You can join in after the starting date of the series! Attention! There will be series in different languages indicated as such (NL/FR/ENG).  If a series in your preferred language is not shown below, it means there’s no series planned in yet in this language.