About David

Hello there!

Thank you for scrolling through my website!  I am David Peirsman, a happy father of two beautiful grown up girls, living in Overijse, Belgium. 

Back in 1995 I obtained a degree in civil engineering in construction, but in 2016 I found the way to my first yoga lesson in a park in Brussels.  That’s where my path of self-development started, and on that path I had the chance to meet some incredible teachers. They gave me amazing lessons about e.g. energetic healing, Taoism, Qi-Gong, self-hypnosis, reiki and … meditation. 

The practice of meditation helped me so much in my life that I decided to make it my mission to get as many people as possible to meditate.  I strongly believe that our world is currently, more than ever, in great need of this. So it fills me with warmth and joy to be able to offer you my guiding meditations.  

I will be happy to tell you a lot more about myself, and to learn about you, when we meet for a workshop, a series of meditations or maybe at an InduZEN retreat. 

Hope to connect soon!


